


The Baltic country, Lithuania, is a perfect place to visit during the summer months. As other European countries become overcrowded with tourists, Lithuania is an inviting country on the Baltic Sea!

Places to See

Aukštatija National Park
Žemitija National Park
Curonian Spit National Park

Activities to Do

Explore Vilnius Old Town
Kaunas Castle
Visit the National Parks
Visit the Hill of Crosses
Visit the Druskininkai Spa Resort
Venture into nature at Nemunas Delta

What to Eat & Drink

Potato Dumplings filled with meat
Cold beet soup
Third wave coffee
Potato pancakes
Meat-filled pastries
Fruit wines
Dark rye bread
Lithuanian cheese

Places to Stay

Kaunas Hotel

Planning Resources:

Accommodation – I always check these three websites to see my options when booking hotels or apartments to stay in :, and (includes VRBO &

Tours – When searching for activities and tours, I use Viator and Get Your Guide

Transportation – I stalk Google Flights for both domestic and international flights. For trains, Eurail for multi-day passes and Trainline for one-off train tickets. I often use Enterprise for rental cars, but will go with any reputable company that offers a good deal.


Lithuania’s Best Hidden Gem – the sand dunes of Curonian Spit National Park stretch out into the Baltic Sea on a thin strip of land. The natural beauty of the dunes and the sea are unmatched. Perfect for a summer getaway!

Alex’s Insider Tips

Make it a Road Trip- Pairing Lithuania with Latvia and Estonia, makes for a great road trip through the Baltics!
Visit in the Summer- When crowds are high in other parts of Europe, use that as an opportunity to visit the less discovered Baltic countries.
Euros- The currency is Euros, which is nice because it has an easy because it has a very similar exchange rate to the USD. Plus, all 3 Baltic countries are on the Euro which makes travel between them even easier!
Good Bang for Your Buck- While prices in Lithuania aren‘t dirt cheap, they are still lower than most European countries. This makes it a great place to stay in nicer hotels and enjoy all the meals out 🙂

What can I expect from Lithuania?

A country full of surprises, especially for those who aren’t familiar with the Baltic countries. Prepare to be blown away by the natural beauty and historic towns of Lithuania!

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American Expat living in Germany. Follow along as I explore Europe, in search of the best adventures and hidden gems. My goal is to visit every European country...38 down!

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